Sunday, November 23, 2014


When starting this project, I made my design on a piece of construction paper. When I had drawn everything out to my liking, I went over it with a black sharpie pen. Next, I layered a piece of cloth over the construction paper, and traced the lines with a baking flower glue. Once my full design was traced, I set it out and let it dry for a day. When I came back to it, I used non-washable tempera paint to color over the design. The last and most annoying part was peeling off the flower glue. It was really sharp and dug underneath my nails. The end result was much more legible, but when I put the cloth in the washer, it bled and really messed up the design. Unfortunately you can't see the design too well but at least I know what not to do next time. I really liked the colors I chose for my design, and next time I will not put it in the wash.


For the full tutorial, go here

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