Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wire Sculpture

The theme of this sculpture was to create a sculpture of something you may find at the circus. I chose to an air balloon. All I needed for this project were a pair of wire cutters, and some easy-to-bend wire. I started out creating the basket of the balloon which was just two circles and then attached by four lines. Then i set out to create the balloon by creating a tiny circle, then attaching two large pieces of wire and then shaping them into circular shapes. At the top of the balloon I attached a small piece of wire to keep the balloon from tipping. Lastly, I attached the balloon and basket with four smaller wires. For finishing touches, I added some sandbags just for fun. This project was pretty fun because I honestly did not think I could create anything with wire. This project showed me that with a little dedication, you can make some pretty interesting sculptures.


For the full tutorial, go to

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