Monday, November 24, 2014

How To: Mandala Step-by-Step

How to create your own Mandala:

This project is both fun and requires a bit of attention. The key to this project is keeping your focal point in the middle by making small details, and then expanding the size as you work your way out. Your eyes should naturally be drawn to the middle. Remember to have fun with this project!

Time to complete: 45 min-3 hours (Depending how intricate your design is)


  • Paints (water color is nice, but any kind will do)
  • Paint brushes
  • Card stock paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil to lightly draw in design

Step 1: Take a piece of 12x12 card stock paper and fold the top right corner to make a triangle

Step 2: Cut off the excess bottom half so you just have a right triangle

Step 3: Open up your triangle so you have a big square. Start designing by beginning in the middle and make tiny details.

Step 4: Start expanding on your design. I chose to go with a flower so I began to make big petals. You can make whatever you want, just remember to keep getting bigger and bigger.

Step 5: Finish off with the frame and then fill in any other details you see fit.

Step 6: Start painting the middle because the tiny details tend to be the hardest to fill in.

 Step 7: You can start to plan ahead and brush on what colors you want in each area. I tend to forget so if you already know which colors you want to use, feel free to skip this step. Because I chose to make a flower design, I am going with bright colors.

Step 8: At this point, you can color everything in. You now have a pretty and brightly colored mandala. You can really do just about any design with this project. Just remember that the center is your focal point where your eye must be drawn to. Thanks and hope you enjoyed!

The End!

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