Tuesday, November 18, 2014


For this Mandala, we were instructed to incorporate things that have to do with our life. My mandala isn't as "busy" as the average kind, but I tried to do the best I could. In the very middle, I have a sun, a few raindrops, and grapes because I am from Napa, CA. I added in a lot of hearts as well because I like to think of myself as a loving person. You might notice that there are a lot of designs in three's on account of the fact that it's my favorite number. There are huge light sabers to represent both my dad and brother since they are huge star wars nerds. You can also find a big robot head that represents my longtime boyfriend who is really into mechanics and how everything works together as a whole. Lastly, there are footprint trails that have a start but no end which is like the journey i am on right now: no end in sight. I threw in a few random things as well. Overall, i feel that my life is represented very well through this design.


You can find my tutorial on the first page of my blog!

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