Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Internal Texture-Watercolor Techniques

This was one of our more delicious assignments. In class, we all brought a variety of food with different textures. We each got ourselves a plate, and tried the many types of food. We then painted what we felt the texture of the food tasted like. Starting from the top left: 1. Swedish fish: the texture was first almost powdery but then became soft and chewy. The waves represent the different textures that I felt all in one. 2. Carrot: When eating the carrot, there was a pattern of sweet and then more neutral hard bites so I made a pattern of a neutral green and then sweet pink color. The texture is both smooth and crunchy. 3. Cheeto: The cheeto was crunchy and had a salty cheesy flavor. I really felt orange was a fitting color for the texture (which it already is), so I made the majority orange. Bottom left: 1. Cucumber: Strong vinegar tastes overwhelmed my senses so I painted green and orange, and put plastic over the painting to create harsh and smooth texture I tasted. 2. Cookie: I started out with a rainbow background but then put salt over the top, and then flicked random colors over the salt. It came out much more dark but I felt this fit the strong taste of vanilla and its moist texture. 3. Brownie: This last one involved a faded swirl with colors of dark blue and purple. This represents the rich and soft texture of the brownie.
This project was both fun and tasty!


For the full tutorial, go to http://TayleeMorgan.blogspot.com 

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